Current Clinical Evidence
in Ophthalmology

Welcome to Current Clinical Evidence in Ophthalmology

This website is the online companion to the book: Current Clinical Evidence in Ophthalmology.
Written by H.W. Roberts, J. Gale & K.R. Martin.
Published by Kugler Publications.
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Clinical ophthalmology, like many other branches of science, is advancing rapidly. With over 230,000 clinical trials registered on and more being added every year it becomes increasingly difficult to keep abreast of developments that are relevant to our everyday clinical practice.

Major advances such as intravitreal treatments for retinal diseases have led to revolutionary improvements in patient outcomes. Our patients rightly expect that ophthalmologists will deliver the best available care according to solid clinical evidence. Patients also have more access to information and increasingly want to discuss the evidence supporting clinical decisions. Never before has there been such pressure to apply the latest results to our daily clinical practice.

With these ideas in mind, we have tried to identify and summarise the key clinical trials that have made the most tangible difference to patient care in ophthalmology. We hope this book will offer a useful portable resource for the practising ophthalmologist and for those preparing for examinations. Our aim is to provide a cogent and useful summary of the evidence that will improve communication and care for our patients.

Harry Roberts

Harry Roberts

Jesse Gale

Jesse Gale

Keith R. Martin

Keith R. Martin